Why you might one day, regret just registering for a Ghana Card

Nana Ama was excited because she was in charge of the guest book at her Aunt Selasi’s wedding. As the guests filled past, she very politely asked each one, “Will you sign the guest book, please?”

People joined a long winding queue just to have their names written. Some even wrote the names of their friends who have promised to join the party later. I was surprised to see Tilly’s name in the book when I know so when she is not in the country.

Suddenly a big, deep voice boomed out, “Well, here is my little niece, nearly all grown up.” It was Nana’s Uncle Papa J, who was in the army. He was her favorite relative, and today he looked more handsome than ever in his uniform.

I see they have you on the guest book duty today,” said Papa J with a smile. “That’s a mighty important job. Here’s a riddle for you: Where is the most important ‘guest book’ of all?” He tweaked her chin. “You have until after you get off duty to think about it.”

After the wedding, Nana looked for her uncle and sat down beside him. “I’ve got the answer,” she said. “The most important guest book is in the Jubilee House and what can get you there is the Ghana Card.”

“The Ghana Card is our passport to nearby countries. Before you get the Ghana Card, you need to have a GPS Address. There is barely anything you could do henceforth without those two things. ” she added.

 Papa J laughed and shook his head. “Good try,” he said, “but wrong. The most important guest book is in heaven.”

“In heaven?” asked Nana. “There’s a guest book there?”

The Bible tells us of a Book of Life,” replied Papa J. “It says that to enter heaven, our names must be written in that book.”

“Do we write them when we get there?” Nana asked.

“Not at all. Your name has to be there so you can get into heaven.” Said Papa J.

“Well, how do we get it written there?” asked Nana.

“By believing in the Lord Jesus Christ,” replied Papa J.”


Waking up very early was no longer an option for most Ghanaians as far as registering for the Ghana Card was concerned. People woke up as late as 3.a.m to join long queues and even paid to pass back door just to have a Ghana Card.

We struggle to be recognized as citizens of Ghana whiles there is a greater citizenship awaiting us. Where there will be no pre-paid bills or taxes. Ghana card is needed but heaven is a choice.


We are busily seeking earthly recognition when God has prepared a place for you and me to live happily forever. You now you took an uber to the wedding when you could walk because of the rain? Yes! You could have ordered same when it was raining on that Sunday morning.

We are good to do anything not to miss an interview but can easily postpone church services because we didn’t wake up early. We fight so much for things that don’t matter but do little about God and his Son.

“But don’t rejoice because evil spirits obey you; rejoice because your names are registered as citizens of heaven” – Luke 10: 20

You have now to seek the Lord and be saved.  Believe on the Lord Jesus and you will be saved- Acts 16:31. You may have your Ghana Card now but it may be of no use on the judgment day if you don’t accept Christ as your Lord and personal savior.

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